Love Cures All

Romance is the fruit of life. It nourishes, revitalizes and strengthens our souls with joy and happiness. ~ Analiesa Adams

Writing is a joy that transcends all others...except true love. You will see I am a romantic at heart. True love cures all, some have found it, others are still searching. Join me in my adventures to see where they might take you... You can find my works at

Saturday, July 25, 2015

I've been thinking, one of the major problems I see is a lot of people give up on achieving their dreams. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and she was lamenting about not being able to do anything exciting in her life like my latest achievement of publishing a book. Now this person has a gift when it comes to art, which is something I could never do, but she'd set aside her brushes to attend to life and hadn't picked them up again.

Sometimes it is easier to give up than it is to push forward to achieve something that seems impossible. Believe me, I've been there and don't want to go there again. There have been times when I thought writing another word was the last thing I ever wanted to do, but I found out if you keep the thing you want the most in your sights and work toward doing something to get closer to your goal~ anything is possible.

It may take a while, it may seem impossible. Keep the faith in yourself smouldering at all times, light the fire whenever possible~just don't give up.  Believing in yourself can be tough. Life gets in the way only when you let it. I work between 12 to 14 hours a day on a regular basis, but I never gave up. Even with the odds that I'd never finish a book, I've got one published, three on the way, and a zillion more ideas for new ones that come to me every day.

I refuse to give up. I may not have much to give on some days. I may only be able to think about my goals. But I will never give up striving to achieve every last one of them, no matter how hard it may seem.

You will find a little bit of my determination in every one of my books. Come see what I have to offer through my website at and leave me a note on the contact page. I'd love to hear from you.

Take care until next time.

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